Peacock’s essence wall art / plate
$ 105.95 USD
Peacock’s essence wall art / plate
“During my time as an apprentice, we often had to work late. We would encourage and motivate each other with the phrase, ‘Anytime, anywhere, in any weather.’
"I believe that my designs stand out due to their precise execution. The work is done in a disciplined manner. Among the Uzbek people, masters are referred to as "Usta," which translates to "Teacher." Usta means being a master not only in one's own profession but also in related fields. Therefore, among friends and family, I have been given the title of Usta, and I consider myself as one."
Peacock’s essence wall art / plate
Product description
Walnut wood - Hanging accessories included - Hand crafted
Made in Uzbekistan
Uzbek Walnut Woodcraft: A Tradition of Intricate Elegance
In Uzbekistan, walnut wood craftsmanship is an esteemed tradition, with artisans creating exquisite furniture and decor. The deep, rich textures of walnut are transformed into intricate designs, blending Islamic motifs and natural inspirations. This art form showcases the meticulous skill of Uzbek artisans and their commitment to preserving a rich cultural heritage.

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